• Question: what have you researched

    Asked by coolthew to Alan, Deepak, Francesca, Lilly, Nick on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Alan Fitzsimmons

      Alan Fitzsimmons answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      OK, homework time! Read our profiles, and find out for yourself.

    • Photo: Francesca Day

      Francesca Day answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      At the moment I’m researching particles falling to Earth from space. In the past I’ve done research helping robots make different shapes, helping the LHC work better, looking at how computer hard drives work, growing crystals and working out how plants decide when to make branches!

    • Photo: Nick Wright

      Nick Wright answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      At the moment I’m studying how stars move when they are in groups or clusters. I’m trying to find out if the stars are moving fast enough to escape the clusters or whether they will stay in these groups for a long time. This is useful to know so that we can understand where star clusters come from and what causes them to break apart.

    • Photo: Lilian Hunt

      Lilian Hunt answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      My current research is in my profile but before my PhD I researched how cells behave with or without certain genes. I did this in my final year of my degree so I spent a lot of it learning the techniques but I made some pretty cool pictures of colourful cells.
