• Question: Hi Alan, just wondering whats kept you so interested in your job over all these years

    Asked by billnyescience to Alan on 10 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Alan Fitzsimmons

      Alan Fitzsimmons answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      It’s fun! Really! My job pays me to understand new stuff and discover things, and there’s not many jobs better than that. The great thing about science is that there’s always new things to learn and discover, so there’s always something interesting to do.

      To give you an idea, when I started I was studying a comet called Halley’s comet. But that only comes near the Sun every 76 years! So after it had gone away I started studying other comets. And then I got interested in asteroids, so I started studying them. Then I learned that some can hit the Earth, so I spend some of my time looking at those.

      I don’t know what I’ll be concentrating on in 5 years time, but I know it’s going to be cool.
