• Question: Do your genes have anything to do with why people are attracted to different types of people? Some people say that you're atracted to people that look like your parents, so I was thinking maybe you got attracted to people that had similar genes to you. Is this true?

    Asked by mariamcc99 to Lilly on 10 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Lilian Hunt

      Lilian Hunt answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Genes have a lot to with everything as they really do give us the building blocks of who we are. Think how similar you can be to your siblings or parents for example, that mostly because you share the same genes. But you can also be very different, and that comes a lot from things around you affecting you – the ‘environment’.

      Because your genes are the foundation of you it’s fair to say that yes, your genes do affect who you’re attracted to as it has been shown that you are more likely to be attracted to people who are similar to you in looks. As people’s looks are a result of their genes it would make sense to say that you are attracted to people with similar genes. But it’s never that simple with genetics as although genes do play a big part, the environment and your life experiences can also affect these things, especially in us humans who can think and make choices and decisions!
